Surviving Estonian winter VT volunteers style: Dress like an onion!

Surviving Estonian winter VT volunteers style: Dress like an onion!

Winter in Estonia is rough! Surviving it is not always easy! And when the spring is around the corner, yet still so far, that`s when things might get especially rough! We`ve gathered some tips for surviving Estonian winter from five experts – from VS volunteers who have survived their first winter here.


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VT välisvabatahtlik Liina: “Õppimiseks ja arenemiseks on inimestel vaja ruumi teha vigu.”

  • Kes Sa oled, Liina?

Keerulise kuid huvitava minevikuga neiu, 31 aastat noor. Peale keskkooli astusin ülikooli, et õppida psühholoogiat, aga jätsin selle peale aastat pooleli. Sellest ajast saati olen end leida püüdnud peamiselt välismaalt.


Continue Reading VT välisvabatahtlik Liina: “Õppimiseks ja arenemiseks on inimestel vaja ruumi teha vigu.”

I want to make the most of my year as an EVS volunteer

I want to make the most of my year as an EVS volunteer
Abi in the Screen Printing Workshop Siiditee

This year noOR and Tallinna Puuetega Inimeste Koda have the pleasure to host an EVS volunteer Abi from England. But more through her own words! Who am I? My name is Abi Corbett, I am 21 years old and I am from England. I am on a placement year from…

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