In the land of beds and closets ..
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In the land of beds and closets ..

Aasta 2017 sügisel andis Uuskasutuskeskus noORe koordineeritavate EVT välisvabatahtlike kasutusse mitmed tarvilikud esemed. Vabatahtlikud jagasid meiega mõtteid just nendest esemetest! 


My bed is good

My bed is tight

Sometimes, I can’t sleep all night

One day housemates tell me to sleep tight,

and don’t let the bed bugs bite!

I make it homey,

I make it right,

I take bed bugs out!

Thank you for bed,

Thank you for house,

Now is good,

Since I’m not their food,

Now is tight,

I can have zen all night



The mystery(ies) of the bed

Once upon a time A room,
A poor, poor room…
Suddenly It will be filled by a bed,
(Could be like my iTalian bed?)
It is comfortable, cozy,
And it hides a mystery!
Which mystery could it hide?
Try to open the big boxes,
Aren’t you seeing? Look better under the bed!
If you try to open now,
You cAn exclaim: wow!

A lot of clotHes you found!!


NB! There is a little mystery hidden in Alessandras poem too!


Every morning, when I wake up, you’re there, waiting with open arms. I gaze into the depths of your heart while sipping my morning coffee and we think together, what will I be like today. You have all the options inside you. You might be a little rough on the edges, but still, you are resilient, unmoved and stand strong.

I go about my day, leave you behind without a word, and still I know when I get back, you’ll be waiting for me. Others might call me a “tolerast” because of you, but I don’t care, I know that you would have come out of the closet long ago, if not for the simple fact that you are, in fact, a closet yourself. But I love you with all your squeaky hinges and little dents, my thrusty wardrobe!



Kopli loop is my place,

I have a room, lots of space.

There’s one thing here I love the most,

It keeps me safe from nightmares and ghosts –

My huge bed: wide and comfy

Makes me feel better even if I’m grumpy.

Makes me forget the vihm, lumi, tuul…

Thanks Uuskasutuskeskus for making this home cool!



Kallid sõbrad! Uuel aastal soovime kõigile oskust näha vanas uut ning uues hinge, mis tuleb ainult vanaga. Eriti aga rõõmu kõigest vanast ja uuest, mis kord südant soojendanud või suisa ilusa une toonud!