Ühe mentori lugu! Jana: “Teate, kallistamine aitab iga kord.”

Ühe mentori lugu! Jana: “Teate, kallistamine aitab iga kord.”
Jana keskel, Peterburis

Iga mentorluse lugu on erinev ja väärtuslik oma erineval moel! Uued mentorid astusid mentori rolli möödunud aasta sügisel, nüüdseks on aga olnud aega kogemust kogeda ja mõtteid koguda. Täna ja veel nii mõnelgi korral jagame noOR mentorite mõtteid ja heaks mentoriks olemise nippe neilt!

Saage tuttavaks Janaga!


Continue Reading Ühe mentori lugu! Jana: “Teate, kallistamine aitab iga kord.”

Surviving Estonian winter VT volunteers style: Dress like an onion!

Surviving Estonian winter VT volunteers style: Dress like an onion!

Winter in Estonia is rough! Surviving it is not always easy! And when the spring is around the corner, yet still so far, that`s when things might get especially rough! We`ve gathered some tips for surviving Estonian winter from five experts – from VS volunteers who have survived their first winter here.


Continue Reading Surviving Estonian winter VT volunteers style: Dress like an onion!